Saturday, January 2, 2010

Avgolemono (Greek Egg Lemon Soup)

We  always  associate Chicken  soup  with  sick days and as something that we consume as a remedy.  But it is not an old wives tale, it actually boosts the immune system and helps prevent and cure the common cold and the flu.  In this case it is neither the chicken or the egg,  but actually all the vegetables in chicken soup that give you the rich nutrients and vitamins to help fight illness.  The  chicken and egg  just make it  taste so much better. Onions, carrots , and celery, parsnips, turnips, all have anti inflammatory A,  C and D Vitamins that  really help  you out.  As well as rice will help out with any digestive issues and chicken has proteins and fats that your body needs if you want to  stay  strong.  I particularly like this soup because of the flavor.  Lemon gives  it  a  nice  touch  and  I always love  a  dash  of  dill.  You can use rice or Orzo ,  they both have soothing property's for the stomach. And most  important of  all this  is  a  soup  that is  cooked  with  love, the  most  important  ingredient of all to  make  someone  feel  better.  

For  Soup
3 cups  chicken stock, either homemade or from a can ( if making homemade go heavy on onions, garlic and parsnips,  and carrots and beet tops or kale) 
1/2 cup  rice
juice of  one  lemon
2 eggs whisked
sprig of  dill

Heat  chicken  stock up  add  rice  and  reduce  heat until rice is  cooked.  in a  separate  bowl  whisk together eggs and  lemon  and dill.    Remove soup  from  heat and whisk  in  egg  lemon mixture.  Ladle  into bowl,  kiss  loved  one  on forehead  and  serve. 

Serve  with  some crusty bread  and tzatziki (Greek  yogurt with garlic, dill and  cucumber)  on the  side even though  dairy produces mucus, the enzymes in yogurt are great in fighting cold.

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